Chu Youning knew that Bai Luo had no face to stop her, and didn't dare to stop her either. As long as she left safely, she would go to Jiang Qingyu until Ye Chen came back. But she didn't expect to see Gu Nan standing in the corridor looking at her gloomily as soon as she went out.

Chu Youning pause slightly, and sighed helplessly, "Why do you have to involve me in the matter between you and Gu Dong every time!"

Gu Nan pursed his lips, "Because he cares about you!" Saying that, his figure flashed to Chu Youning's side. Chu Youning's ability went out of control once again, and she turned into a crystal nucleus, which Gu Nan held tightly in his hand.

Hearing the noise, Bai Luo hurriedly chased outside the room, but there was no figure of Chu Youning in the corridor except Gu Nan. Bai Luo's eyes flashed slightly, "Where is she?"

Gu Nan's face darkened, "Where she is, is not something you need to care about. The video must be delivered to Gu Dong today, otherwise... the next time it will be your life that will be taken!" After saying that, Gu Nan turned into a gust of wind and drifted away...

Although Chu Youning became a crystal nucleus, she could still perceive everything around her. She was extremely shocked when she saw that Gu Nan had turned into the wind. Gu Nan had actually used the transformation ability this well...

Thinking of this, Chu Youning couldn't help but ponder, if Gu Nan was willing to guide her on how to use the transformation ability.... Chu Youning was suddenly a little thankful that she had attacked Gu Nan before, which could be seen from the fact that he approached her again. Her strategy was not without effect.

[attack here means-- sets of planned moves to capture his heart/take him down. 

PS If there is any better word to replace it, please do tell in the comments; I have been looking for the perfect replacement for the longest time...]

Yes, his reason that Gu Dong cared about her and what not was just nonsense. Gu Nan, this bear child, just couldn't help but want to get close to her. As for whether he missed her body or not, Chu Youning didn't care, being able to achieve the result was good enough.

[熊孩子- xióng hái zi- bear child- often described as a naughty child, who is young and ignorant, and have not received a good family education for the time being/ A brat.]

Gu Nan may have been abused too much by Gu Dong, so he was extremely insecure. Every time he found a hiding place, it was an underground karst cave. Gu Nan had turned into the wind, so he flew in through a hole the size of a fist with the crystal nucleus. He himself entered this way, this showed that there was no hole for people to enter and exit.

So... no one except Ye Chen, who can teleport, can save her this time...

When Gu Nan turned Chu Youning back to her original form, he also attached a four sided iron cage as a gift, and... the clothes on Chu Youning's body were also gone. She just sat naked in the iron cage, and looked around the cave.

There were a few lights hanging scattered on the roof of the cave, but the lights were not very bright, making the cave appear a little dim. From a psychological point of view, the arrangement of a person's room would reveal their mentality and state of mind at that time. Gu Nan didn't like places that were too bright, but he couldn't do without any light. This showed that... he was flustered, afraid, and not as powerful as he appeared on the surface.

Then why was he flustered and afraid? If it was just to hurt Gu Dong, then he didn't need to be flustered at all, so... it can only be that he had perceived a little bit of the truth.

But he didn't dare to face those things. If he faced all of them, then Gu Dong harming him, Fan Xue's death, and his parents that had never appeared until now. The most important of all was that woman... Gu Dong had always been the most filial to his mother, why hasn't he(GD) visited her so far?

The Gu Nan in the past was too well protected by Gu Dong. He had never seen the trials and tribulations of the world, so he was not mature either in age or mind. That was why he did not dare to face everything that might have happened. Therefore, he could only persistently believe that nothing happened to anyone, and that the reason why Gu Dong treated him like that was because of his perverted desire to possess him.

The reason why Fan Xue was killed was because Fan Xue was his beloved woman, and Gu Dong did not allow him to like others.

As for why Gu Dong was so nice to Chu Youning... he did not really want to think too much about it either.

Chu Youning's eyes flickered slightly.



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